Internal Family Systems Therapy: Discovering Harmony Within

Your inner world may feel like you are juggling multiple emotions, beliefs, and desires, each pulling you in different directions. It's normal to experience internal conflicts; after all, we are complex beings with various aspects that make us who we are. However, finding peace and harmony within ourselves can sometimes feel like an elusive goal.

Enter IFS Therapy – a gentle, transformative, non-pathologizing approach that invites you on a journey of self-exploration, self-compassion, and healing. As an IFS trained therapist, I serve as a compassionate guide as you rediscover harmony within yourself and build a more fulfilling life.

What is Internal Family Systems Therapy?

Imagine your mind as a bustling family home, where each member has a distinct personality, thoughts, and feelings. IFS views the mind in just this way. It acknowledges that within us, there are subpersonalities, or "parts" of us, each with its own unique perspective and purpose. Some are vulnerable and wounded, carrying pain from the past, while others work diligently to protect us from pain or harm. 

In IFS, we believe that we’re all born with parts. Parts don’t develop as a result of trauma or mental illness, but pain, trauma, and other factors can influence our parts to take on extreme roles, beliefs, and emotions that our modern world calls anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, and many other diagnostic labels. 

IFS therapy gently uncovers these internal parts and explores the dynamics between them. By doing so, we gain valuable insights into how our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are influenced by the interactions between our parts. This approach recognizes that each part of us, even the most challenging ones, has a positive intention and seeks to protect us from pain or harm. 

The beauty of IFS lies in its gentle and compassionate, yet transformative, nature. Rather than pathologizing or trying to get rid of parts of ourselves, this approach invites us to appreciate and learn from each one. IFS views our emotions not as enemies, but as valuable messengers trying to protect or guide us.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

IFS therapy can be described as a type of deep listening. Together, we will identify the different parts of your system, and understand how they interact among themselves and with you as their inner leader. With curiosity, compassion, and courage, we'll get to know these parts’ hidden histories and intentions, discovering the roles they play in your life. The goal is not to eliminate parts, but to restore harmony and balance among them. 

Sometimes, IFS therapy sessions with me look like a version of talk therapy, where you and I are having a conversation about the dynamics of your internal system. Other times, IFS may look like a guided meditation, where you’re very focused on your inner world, noticing any sensations, emotions, thoughts, images, or impulses you’re experiencing. Still other times, it may include drawings, movement, or other forms of creative expression and exploration of your internal system. 

As we build trust and connection with your internal system, we gain valuable insights into the origins of your beliefs, patterns, and emotions. By understanding these origins, we can gently heal and release any wounds that may have held you back.

As you progress through the IFS therapy process, you'll notice an empowering shift. The thoughts and feelings that once felt burdensome can evolve into supportive allies, contributing positively to your overall well-being. With newfound self-awareness and acceptance, you'll discover increased resilience and the ability to navigate life's challenges with greater ease, confidence, and calm.

Why Choose IFS Therapy?

IFS therapy strikes a balance of gentle, yet transformative support. It is trauma-informed, holistic, anti-oppressive, and integrative. It includes looking at your thoughts, feelings, physical body, behaviors, relationships, and culture. IFS has been recognized as an evidence-based therapy, with a growing list of studies to support its effectiveness. IFS can be helpful for a wide range of emotional, spiritual, and physical health challenges including: 

  • Trauma, including Complex PTSD, 

  • Anxiety, panic, and phobias,

  • Depression, shame, and low self-esteem,

  • Disordered eating and eating disorders,

  • Addictions,

  • Relationship issues, 

  • Chronic health conditions, such as migraines, chronic pain, and autoimmune disorders, 

  • Creative blocks, 

  • Spiritual and existential concerns, 

  • Preparation for and integration of psychedelic experiences,

  • And more. 

If you’re curious about trying out IFS therapy for yourself, get in touch with me today to schedule a consultation.