
While I have experience and training working with a wide variety of people with many differing concerns and goals, I have particular expertise in the following areas.


Autistic and/or ADHD Adults

In addition to being neurodivergent myself, I have advanced training and experience in providing affirming therapy and assessment for people who are Autistic, ADHD, both, or otherwise neurodivergent. Sometimes my clients come to me already having a diagnosis (either self-diagnosed or through formal psychological evaluation), or they’re just beginning to explore the possibility that they might be neurodivergent. I’ll meet you where you are. Autistic and ADHD neurology is different, so your therapy should be, too!


I have particular passion and experience in working with other helping professionals, including therapists, social workers, physicians, and other healing and social service professionals. Common issues I work with include burnout, compassion fatigue, vicarious traumatization, excessive caregiving in personal relationships, relationship with money, and those studying IFS therapy who want to learn the model from the inside out.

Anxiety & Overwhelm

Another issue that my clients often come to me for help with is a chronic, pervasive feeling of anxiety and being overwhelmed by life. They often feel like everyone else seems to have gotten a master class in being an adult and managing life’s stressors, and they somehow missed out. Cue shame, sleepless nights, and a feeling that they just can’t take it anymore! My clients tell me that my particularly grounded, calm presence helps them feel safe enough to slow down and explore the underlying reasons for their overwhelm.


Modern science has shown us that the old adage, “Time heals all wounds,” couldn’t be further from the truth. I have extensive training in helping people heal from trauma in their pasts, whether the pain is recent and acute, or began in your early life. I have particular focus and experience in supporting survivors of complex, relational, and developmental trauma, including the wounds of neglect, sexual abuse, physical abuse, intimate partner violence, and more.